Research is increasingly showing that adjunctive therapies for many cancers can include metabolic treatments to help limit, and sometimes reverse tumor growth. Many tumors thrive on glucose, and a growing body of evidence has shown that limiting glucose availability by reducing dietary carbohydrate and increasing ketone levels can have a marked impact on tumor growth. Remarkably, some studies have even found that a ketogenic diet, in combination with radiation or chemotherapies, can eliminate tumors in animals.
Learn how to implement a reduced carbohydrate ketogenic diet to limit, and/or possibly reverse, tumor growth.
Learn about other adjunctive therapies that may help to control and possibly reduce tumor growth
Other Medical Conditions
As a scientist with more than 25 years experience within the biomedical field, Dr. Yount has a deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying many chronic illnesses. While specific to each condition, in many cases, an appropriate diet can be key to managing symptoms and/or disease progression. And in some cases, such as diabetes and epilepsy, the appropriate diet may even lead to a resolution of the condition. Some of the areas that may benefit from dietary interventions include: